Employee Misconduct Investigations

Employee misconduct can cost a business significant money and open them up to litigation and other threats. Our comprehensive and customized Vetting program can work to eliminate some of these threats prior to them becoming an issue for you, but there will always be employees who cause problems without any notice. Our Private Investigators are experienced in working Employee Misconduct cases and can give you the support you need to solve the problem.

Our Private Detectives come from a variety of backgrounds in Specialized Private Sector Fields, Law Enforcement and the U.S. Military. Our vetted and qualified professionals can work with your Human Resources and Security Departments to investigate Employee Misconduct cases.

Bringing in a third and uninterested party can get you the results you need and increase the viability of the information obtained during the course of our investigation.

All investigations conducted by our Firm are carried out with the idea the information will eventually go to trial or a related legal proceeding.

Evidence documented by an independent third party will carry significantly more weight in your legal proceeding if you have any legal encounters associated with the employee or employees in question.

If you suspect an employee of the following or already have developed initial evidence to confirm any of the following, please contact one of our Licensed Professional Investigators immediately:

  • Workplace violence of any kind.
  • Sexual harassment or sexual misconduct of any kind; including allegations, even if believed to be unfounded simply to clear up the matter.
  • Discrimination, harassment or bullying of co-workers, customers or third parties.
  • Any breach of confidentiality. This is a Counterintelligence and Counterespionage indicator and should be taken very seriously regardless of size and scope.
  • A claim by another employee of a hostile work environment.
  • Lying or being dishonest; this is one of the most significant red flags for any organization and cannot be tolerated. It doesn’t matter if it’s lying on time cards, faking sick days, or just white lying about simple things, it must be viewed with suspicions and they should be investigated immediately.
  • Fraud, theft, embezzlement or other Financial Crimes. If you have money missing or unaccounted for, you and your company have major problems.
  • Overcharging on travel vouchers and expense reports.
  • Excessive spending with a vendor or a new vendor.
  • Malingering or filing false Workers Compensation Claims.
  • Conducting personal activities during business hours.
  • Access or attempts to access blocked internet content on electronic media via either company owned equipment or personally owned equipment on a company network.
  • Gross negligence or insubordination, including willful disregard for rules or guidelines.
  • Mistreatment of animals or livestock.
  • Damage to company property or damage to customer or third party property.
  • Use of company time or resources for personal gain or personal reasons.
  • Explosive or angry outbursts; especially if repeated.
  • Any unbalanced relationships of significant parties in your company. Are there disruptive cliques developing that could put your business in danger? Are there non-romantic friendships being developed that may disrupt your company operations? Clearly people being friends is ok, but things can sometimes get out of hand. This is especially true of friendships being made at differing levels of responsibility or pay scale.
  • Notable health and safety violations.
  • Any repeated or notable ethics violations.
  • Excessive tardiness or missing a number of days of work.
  • Any relationships developed in the workplace and specifically barred by company policy.
  • Coming to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Any crime committed, even if outside of work.
  • Failure of drug tests or identified narcotics use; any time an employee fails a test for drugs or is identified using drugs, even if outside of work, you need to conduct a damage assessment and determine if your company has been compromised in any way.

If you believe you have Loss Prevention issues associated with your employees, we can provide the means to identify and prevent this activity through Electronic Surveillance and other means.
Retaining the services of our Firm to investigate these matters can save you significant time and money. Our interest is protecting yours. We’ll use all of the Investigative Specialties at our disposal to work an employee misconduct case.

Often we’ve found a company will look to us to find hard evidence of the employee misconduct prior to terminating the employee. This strategy can pay dividends if you are able to produce solid evidence and dissuade the employee from taking any legal action following their termination.