Financial Investigations

Financial Investigations, including financial crime and civil financial cases, is a very broad field. Our Private Investigators have found a majority of our cases end up having some connection to financial activity or at least call for support from a Forensic Accounting expert, possibly a Certified Fraud Examiner. GreenVets Private Detectives have experience working with domestic financial investigations as well as financial cases on a Transnational scale.

Whether tracking insurgents and terrorists in South Asia or a spouse attempting to hide assets in a Divorce proceeding, you can always follow the money.

During extensive time spent deployed to hostile combat zones, several members of our investigative team found themselves working cases in countries with little to no power and almost no infrastructure. Think of living in the stone age, only the people had cars and cell phones, but still lived in mud huts. Even in these scenarios, we would work with a myriad of organizations and Law Enforcement to solve a surprising range of civil and criminal cases.

Our former Special Agents have taken lessons learned and experiences from tracking financial networks worldwide and applied them to our Firm’s practice. Of course we’ve worked more traditional and white collar cases as well and this combined experience will let us maximize our support to your case.

During our extensive time working with the US Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI / OSI), members of our team were able to get mentorship from several dozen Fraud Investigators responsible for recovering millions of dollars in funds for the United States Air Force and the U.S. Government. The GreenVets team has exposure to cases involving: Money Laundering, Accounting Irregularities or Accounting, Manipulation, Embezzlement and Employee Theft, Internet Theft or Monetary Loss on the Internet, Hidden Assets, Identity Theft, Probate, Fraudulent Business Ventures and Associated Scams, Fraud, including, but not limited to Mortgage Fraud and Insurance Fraud, Exploitation of the Elderly, Bribery, Misrepresentation of Pricing and Services (Predatory Practices), Misappropriation of Assets or General Financial Misconduct, False Stock or Stockbroker Information / Other Securities Cases, Unnecessary Repairs and Overcharges, False Checks and Counterfeiting, Forgeries and Collections.

Typically, a Financial Investigation will involve a combination of investigating the actual technical financial transactions associated with the case and then combining this specialty with other parts of an overall investigative plan. This could include any number of services offered by our Private Investigations Firm.

A consistent theme we promote on our website is no two cases are the same. Every case needs to be approached with a base investigative mentality, but it must be tailored to fit the situation at hand.